Your Lack of Podcast Growth Is NOT Your Fault

2 min readNov 26, 2021

If you’re a podcaster & haven’t seen growth, keep reading. It’s not your fault. Boom. There’s simply not a reliable way to grow organically without doing something unique. Unique is NOT having a cool theme. Lots of cool themes out there. Unique lies in distribution.

When I mean distribution, I mean where you post your content. I do not mean starting a ton of social accounts for your podcast. That’s great to build community, not to actually find new listeners. Especially since most of those platforms are saturated.

Distribution means posting your audio content where it can rank organically and be searchable. Your podcast right now is only searchable if you type in the name of your podcast. That’s insane to me. I should be able to type in your topics and organically find you.

The problem is that it’s hard to organically find you when the podcast apps are just sourcing RSS feed data. They don’t actually know what your content is about from an algorithmic perspective, which means they can’t recommend it at scale.

This means distribution on the major platforms not only is bad, its non existent. You will not rank organically for search terms unless you are SUPER niche, which begs the question about people even searching for super niche things.

The other problem is that because the main platforms suck at giving good search results to queries for spoken-word audio, people don’t even use them to meaningfully search for content. Which also makes it hard to rank on an audio platform that is not getting any searches.

Distribution at a fundamental level means making sure the content you post actually has a CHANCE to find an audience. On the current platforms, it is dead by default until you drive traffic to it. That should be flipped. The platform should drive traffic to you.

This is why we built Audea — we want to fundamentally change how audio content is discovered and distributed, to actually bring discovery to audio at scale.

You can check out Audea’s website here.

Our App is here:

Amit Kukreja is the cofounder/ceo of Audea — a new platform to get audio-ideas discovered at scale. You can find him on twitter here & email him at

